Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Structure in Fall 2014

In Fall 2014, we changed the governance structure to that of an Executive Board. There is a Chair (who serves as the President for duties with the national RSA relationship) and Executive Board members. The advisor relationship remains in place and we are still a Registered Student Organization at ISU.

Duties of the chair include requesting funding from the national chapter, filling out the national chapter survey, requesting matching funding from the English department, handling funds for reimbursement from these sources, leading the executive board in planning meetings, representing the organization with the RSO office, and other duties as needed. Duties of the executive board members include assisting the chair with these duties as needed and planning one chapter meeting per semester (including providing refreshments, emailing the listserv about the meeting, and reserving the room location).

For Fall 2014-Spring 2015, the Chair is Kristi McDuffie and the Executive Board members are Barbi Smyser-Fauble, Hilary Selznick, Lisa Phillips, and Elizabeth Jett-Williams. Our advisor is Dr. Amy Robillard. Please contact Kristi (kmcduff [at] ilstu [dot] com) if you are interested in serving the organization! Please also contact Kristi if you would like to learn more about being a member of our RSISU listserv.